The Widget Treasure cove : A Simple2Learn presentation :
1. BloggerUniversity : Absolute gem of a site for anyone who wishes to implement those seemingly complex widgets and hacks. The interface might seem a bit too much but the posts are amazing. One University you'll be proud to be a student of.
2. BeautifulBeta : A cool and simple blog making life easier for other blogs.
Latest Post : Post Summary and read more
3. WidgetsForFree : Amazing repository of widgets and hacks. It's addictive, you might end up spending your entire day trying out different things. But then it's great value for our precious time.
Before we go on a tweaking spree, few suggestions for accident-free experiments :
1. Try the widgets on a test blog first. If that sounds a bit too much then download/backup your full template before making changes to the html code.
2. Don't add the widgets as it is. Try to customize them as per your needs. If you read the posts, you'll find great tips to customise the widgets you choose.
3. Don't give up on a widget you desperately want just because of few problems in implementing. Try making it work and if it doesn't then post your comments here in the ocmments section or on the respective blogs. You'll find a lot of helping hands.
4. Do tell me about the recent widgets or tweak you implemented ( Disqus in comments ).
Watchout for the Saturday post on Blogging Simplified. Any blog/site falling in this niche and willing to be featured mail me or comment.
Enjoy your weekend !!