This one is a comprehensive directory. Take your time and check them out !!
The Best Blogspot/Blogger Blogs in this Business :
Tell me if you think I missed out on that one amazing link that would make this directory a more complete list !!
- getjar : Get both Java as well as symbian applications.
- symbian-freeware : One of my favourites.
- smartsym : Find S60 5th edition (Nokia 5800 expressmusic) softwares !!
- dotsis : Terrific site with forums where we can discuss everything Symbian. Register to post !!
- : Another one with S60 v5 softwares. Another one of my picks.
- : Softwares by category, a well simplified list.
- mobiletopsoft : Find all freewares and shareware.
- my-symbian : Freewares as well as shareware.
- gallery.mobile9 : Cool Interface, community based site. User uploaded.
- : Cool interface and some really amazing collection.
- mobiles24 : Another cool site to look for the latest softwares.
- brothersoft : Well known for all your software needs, not only Symbian.
- getsymbian : Large collection of softwares.
- freesymbiansoft : Another great collection.
- symbianstock : Large stock of softwares
- bestsymbian : Good collection !!
The Best Blogspot/Blogger Blogs in this Business :
Tell me if you think I missed out on that one amazing link that would make this directory a more complete list !!