Pay for Antivirus Protection : You must be kidding !!

Posted by Unknown on Apr 1, 2009

Protecting our PC's from virus, trojans, spyware, malware.... is top on most people's mind. I have seen people getting real paranoid, linking everything wrong with their PC's to a virus problem instead of identifying what's really wrong.

I believe we don't really need to pay for antivirus and antispyware. Not for our Personal Computers, though it makes sense for an organization to go for it. Just get the right combination of free antivirus and antispyware installed. We tend to think that free antivirus softwares are not that effective, but....

Believe me, they are really effective and they don't even take a toll on your computer's memory like some of the highly rated antivirus's that cost.

Following are the best free antivirus/ antispyware softwares : A Simple2Learn presentation.


1. AVG antivirus : I guess it needs no introduction and it's really effective. Just keep it updated.

2. Avira antivirus : Another one that works really well and is really free.


1. Spybot antispyware: A very effective spyware and absolutely light on your system.

2. Ad aware antispyware: Another top of the line free software. You can upgrade it if you want but the free edition is good enough.

Just install one antivirus and one antispyware each and stop fussing. I prefer AVG antivirus with Spybot. Just keep them updated and those of you who have been using the obvious highly rated antiviruses will finally get to feel what it is like to have softwares that don't take all your system's memory.

And yes please remember any antivrus protection is mostly preventive. So there is absolutely no point in cursing the software if we install it after the damage has been done. Install them beforehand : prevention is better than cure ( cliche but so true !! ) .